Rags and Muffin By D.G.D David

I have to say, this is the best book I’ve read in a while. Usually, depending on the book, I fly through them. This book was so richly worded and heavy in world-building and creativity it took me a little longer to get through but was totally worth it.

Rags and Muffin is filled with epic fights and detailed landscapes. The ragtag group of heroes is each unique with their lifestyles and struggles. Seeing glimpses into their past and their lives tugs at your heart, but then other scenes are riddled with comic relief. So while you’re reading, you get a full range of emotions that keep you hooked and turning pages until the very end.

This story was incredible to read, filled with Gods and intrigue. This is a book you won’t want to put down. This book is easily one of the top 5 books I’ve read all year!

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